<div><div> “scam”、“swindle”、“double dealing”、“be ripped off”、“rip-off”和“be taken to the cleaners”</div><div> “scam”和“swindle”是指商业性的欺诈行为,而“double dealing”也具有与之相仿的意味。如果某人被这类骗局给蒙了,那么就可以说某人“be ripped off”了;另外,“rip-off”也可以指那些并非物有所值的商品。如果某人被骗得很惨,那么就可以称其是“be taken to the cleaners”。</div><div> </div><div>Examples:</div><div>1. I can't believe how much the bank charges in fees - the whole thing's a swindle!</div><div> 真不敢相信银行收了那么多的费用――整件事就是一场骗局!</div><div>2. Nobody would trust him, as he had a reputation for double dealing.</div><div> 没有人信任他,因为他以奸诈闻名。</div><div>3. I paid £30 for this shirt and it's already falling apart. What a complete rip-off.</div><div> 我花了30英镑买了这件衬衫,现在都破了。简直就是骗钱的东西啊。</div><div>4. Frank was too trusting. He invested in a very dubious company and they took him to the cleaners.</div><div> 弗兰克太轻信于人了。他投资了一家疑点重重的公司, 他们把他骗了个精光。</div></div>